This is a great idea for a standard year-round birthday wreath to put up at home or in a classroom. The name & age could easily be changed out. Thanks to Jennifer @ Momma D and Da Boyz for this eazy & affordable wreath tutorial!
Why pay an arm & a leg for paper flowers from the scrabook section of the craft store, when you can make these?!? Aubree @ Yellow Blackbird shared her take on this craft. Check it out!
I pinned these kitchen utensil holders a while back on one of my boards on *pinterest* and never shared them here! Amanda @ Crafts by Amanda : 1. Great tutorial! 2. Great name ;)
Hats off! to Susan @ Living with Punks for her knock off Land of Nod cushion tutorial! They look absolutely perfect and the tutorial makes it even seem possible for a sewing novice like me! Now....I wonder if I can make a big kid version of one of these....
Wow! Thanks so much for featuring me! I am glad you like my flowers!