There has been so many wonderful ideas, creations,and printables for Dad's day this upcoming Sunday, June 19th.
Here a few
fabulous finds that pay tribute to the
Father's day classic - TIES!
tie cookie pops were one of the first finds for Father's day I found this year & fell
instantly in love! How cute is that photo? My boyfriend even agrees - these are a great idea!
Thanks to Sue @
Munchkin Munchies for sharing!
Dad have a sweet tooth?
My dad isn't much of a sweets kind-of-guy but he does have a weakness for
crunch bars.
Perfect printable to print off and wrap up a few for Sunday. Amy @
The Idea Room is the mastermind behind this
darling candy wrapper.
Tie-rrific indeed! Isn't this
printable package to die for?!?
I love everything about it - the colors, font, patterns. The set includes a banner, medium sized ties for centerpieces, and cupcake toppers.
Amanda @
Shindig Parties was super thoughtful and made the printable set for grandads and step dads as well!
Super Sweet :)
Erin @
In between Laundry designed a
FREE card or art -
whichever you prefer printable for Dad.
Tidy up dad's closest with this
creative & decorative tip from
Good Housekeeping. Turn dad's old or less loved ties into a wreath everyone can enjoy! Such an easy project that is
stunning :)
Perfect for dad, boss, or a little man party!
Kristin @
Paper Crave provides the template to make these
shirt & tie gift bags.
Celebrate dad's with a tie that has a
sweeter ending than normal.
Ashley @
Make It Love It gives the full tutonrial & pattern
(if you need it) to make your very own
Father's day staple - tie "pot".
Greenbean Crafterole - yeah, yeah, yeah she's crafty :)
Take a previous tie gift and make Dad a
new & improved tie gift! He can proudly display this one every day of the year. I'd even rock one myself.
The girls @
eighteen 25 have shown off their crafty skills yet again! Taking a tip from Martha, they transformed
plain plastic boxes into
dad appropriate, snack-filled tie boxes.
Kendra @
My Insanity shared the full deets over at
Fave Crafts on how to make
tie gift bags!
Show the men in your life that you
love 'em with their gift packaged in one of these
snazzy bags.
This would also be great for Boss' day - don'tcha think?!?
I think these are
ALL ties that a Dad - Grandad - Stepdad - Neighbor - Anyone in your life would enjoy receiving!
Happy Father's Day to all the
wonderful father figures out there!